I (HEART) Music.....
So I have decided that every Monday will be music Monday. This week I am simply going to list the discs that I plan to pick up in the near future. Normally, I try to buy music fairly regularly, but because of all the traveling and wedding stuff I have been unable to purchase music for at least a month. Here is my running list (yes I keep a notebook) of music I plan on purchasing in the near future.
Brian Eno/David Byrne - 'Everything That Happens Will Happen Today'
Black Keys - 'Attack & Release'
Kimya Dawson & Antsy Pants
Siguer Rose - 'Inni Mer Syngur Viteysingur'
Flight of the Conchords - (everything I hear "Business Time" I pee my pants a bit)
Jenny Lewis - Acid Tobue
Bon Iver - For Emma
Black Kids - Wizard of AHHHS (smart eh?)
Kim Stansias Giani
Barth - 'Cuchillo'
John & Jehn - 'John & Jehn'
Underground Railroad - 'Sticks and Stones'
M83 - 'Saturdays = Youth'
Syd Matters - 'Ghost Days'
Papier Tigre - 'The Beginning and End of Now'
The Do - 'A Mouthful'
Minitel Rose - 'The French Machine'
Tahiti 80 - 'Activity Center'
* The above discs highlighted in red were the top French discs of 2008. If you have not checked out the french music scene I would highly recommend it. I would ALSO suggest checking out the Canadian Indie Music Scene. I discovered one of my most favorite bands in the world while reading the FANTASTIC blog I (heart) music - http://www.iheartmusic.net/ : Born Ruffians.
I will most likely get all these albums, shut myself up in my house for a weekend, drink lots of wine and dance around to each and every song.
* The above discs highlighted in red were the top French discs of 2008. If you have not checked out the french music scene I would highly recommend it. I would ALSO suggest checking out the Canadian Indie Music Scene. I discovered one of my most favorite bands in the world while reading the FANTASTIC blog I (heart) music - http://www.iheartmusic.net/ : Born Ruffians.
I will most likely get all these albums, shut myself up in my house for a weekend, drink lots of wine and dance around to each and every song.
1 comment:
I am love love LOVING Bon Iver right now...specifically, Skinny Love and Beach Baby
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