Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Collin... Oh, Collin

At this very moment, sitting in my bedroom, I have a cigarette hanging out of my mouth.

My cat Oscar sits on my window sill.

In a weird way, this is a perfect way to end a long day.

I have been working a lot. My soul is tired and if I hear the word Medicare one more time I think I might scream.

The only thing I can think of is to blog about someone, anyone, that is living the life they dreamed. Ok, not always the live they dreamed but one that they created; one they can feel proud of because it has been spent in pursuit of things of beauty - even in drudgery.

This is why this is dedicated to a photographer named Collin LaFlece.

Let me begin by saying Colin was born in 1987.
His resume is chock full of amazing exhibits that I can only dream of attending.
A graduate of NYU, he has developed an incredible body of work that has captured the human condition - with a smatering of the human spirit. By smatering, I mean all of it.

The thing about photography is that is captures a human in their true form.
Of course I omit from this catagorey Glamour Shots, portrait prints and anything that involves the phrase "cheese".

So introducing Collin LaFleche. I WILL have your work on my wall.

most images were found at his blog and .... his real website

His new website should by up late October.

Appropriately... I am listening too....

Here is one of my own sad photographs. God knows I love the Grandin....

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